Birka Historical Tattoo Fest 2024 – A report from a magical event

cze 25, 2024

From June 6-9, 2024, the picturesque island of Birka in Sweden hosted the second edition of the Birka Historical Tattoo Fest. This unique event gathered tattoo and history enthusiasts from all over the world, creating an unforgettable atmosphere that transported participants back to the Viking era.

Birka, one of the most important trading centers in Scandinavia during the Viking Age, provided the perfect backdrop for a festival that combines ancient traditions with modern tattoo art. Żaneta Reliszko, also known as Historicaltattoo and the event's organizer, describes it as "a bridge between the old and the present times."

- This is most likely what Birka looked like over a thousand years ago, when it was filled with the bustle of visitors from distant lands, when different languages, smells, tastes, and music resounded - she adds.

Master Tattoo Artists from Around the World

The festival gathered 35 top tattoo artists from over 20 countries. Among them were two pioneers of Nordic tattooing: Colin Dale and Kai Uwe Faust, currently the leader of the band Heilung. - It was thanks to them that I fell in love with the whole process of tattooing without electricity - Historicaltattoo recalls.

The artists showcased a variety of tattoo styles, from Nordic and Celtic to Baltic, prehistoric, and ornamental. Tattoos were created using various methods, including hand poke and hand tapping, as well as modern machines.

Festival participants were delighted with the atmosphere and organization of the event. Sean Parry, owner of Sacred Knot studio in Llandudno, North Wales, describes the festival as "the largest gathering of Nordic tattoo artists to date. This is literally a decisive moment in the history of contemporary Nordic tattooing."

Raudr Rafn, a tattoo artist from West Flanders, emphasizes the uniqueness of the festival: - It's not a convention; it's a meeting, a welcome, a feast, a gathering of creative souls, talents, and love on the legendary island. Birka, I can't explain what you've done for me. I feel like I've tasted Valhalla, only we didn't fight. We create, share, nurture, do what we love, feast, and drink together.

Unique Atmosphere and Diverse Attractions

During the festival, participants could not only admire tattoos but also immerse themselves in the daily life of the Vikings. In the early medieval settlement camp, reenactors presented ancient crafts, cuisine, and rituals.

- We expanded the craft market, where one could purchase high-quality replicas of historical artifacts such as jewelry, amber products, birch bark boxes, furniture and wooden sculptures, carved drinking horns, woven bands, glass beads, furs and skins, textiles, plant-dyed wool yarn, oriental silk, naalbinding, clothing, and much more -says Żaneta.

Workshops covered topics such as textiles, throat singing, herbalism, rituals, posament, naalbinding, motanki (Slavic magic dolls), weaving, the role of Volva in society, creating magical Icelandic signs, and making chainmail.

- We knew the festival would be extraordinary, but this year's result exceeded our wildest expectations! - Żaneta rejoices.

Music, adding magic to the entire event, was also a highlight. Performances by bands like Daj Ognia, Javaryna, Vévaki, and Marcin Rumiński from the band Krive immersed participants in the era's atmosphere.

- It was a very special experience because it was my first time in Sweden, spending a few days where the oldest Viking settlement in Sweden was - says Tiago Ragna, drummer of Daj Ognia.

Photo by Woedans Ruben Terlouw

Sacred Fire Grove and Other Attractions

One of the central points of the festival was the sacred fire grove, overseen by priest Johan Sandmark and his assistants. Johan also led a nighttime Blót – a Nordic sacrificial ritual that attracted many participants eager to experience authentic Viking ceremonies.

There were also more contemporary attractions, such as the opportunity to obtain unique wet plate collodion photographs by photographer Jan Skwara. His exhibition of photos taken with a 19th-century camera during a trip to India was one of the program's highlights. Other master photographers, such as Ruben Terlouw (Woedans), Asta Harbo (Thursarn), and Cheyenne Olander (thedreamsofhistory), also participated in the festival.

Plans for the Future

The organizers of the Birka Historical Tattoo Fest have already announced the next edition of the festival, which will take place from May 29 to June 1, 2025. - We dream of a Viking boat rally and regatta. We want to continue developing our craft market, workshop, and lecture sections - says Veronica Björkman.

Historicaltattoo also emphasizes the unique character of the festival: - I have been an early medieval reenactor for over 25 years and have been tattooing for over 10 years, including about 8 years using non-electric methods. I have long dreamed of an independent event dedicated to history, art, and craft. The idea for such a meeting had been on my mind for years, but I waited for the best moment – and now we have found it!

Birka Historical Tattoo Fest is an event that has become a permanent fixture in the calendar of history and tattoo enthusiasts. For many participants, it is not just a festival but a true celebration of friendship and community, allowing them to momentarily travel back in time to the Viking Age. See you in Birka next year!

Contests and Awards

The festival was rich with competitions for tattoo artists. Prizes were awarded in three categories: The Best Tattoo Of The Convention, The Most Beautiful Tattoo Booth, and Silly Stabbing. Winners received awards from sponsors, and their work was judged by a distinguished jury of tattoo industry experts.

The Best Tattoo Of The Convention:

The Most Beautiful Tattoo Booth

  1. Edgaras Bekeris, Edbe.handpoke, Litwa (Traditional Baltic Ornaments)
  2. Aman Manai Durga Sipatiti, durgatattoofamily (Traditional Indonesian Ornaments)
  3. Lars Martinen, larmatattoo (Nordic Nomads)

Silly Stabbing

  1. Kaija Thyra Asbirg, kaija_bodyart, Norwegia
  2. Shaun Hogan, shogantattoo, Jersey, Wyspy Normandzkie
  3. Ash Ivaldison, Villkat Arts, Walia to serwis skupiający najlepszych polskich tatuażystów. Podzielony jest na kategorie: tatuaż, wzór, tatuażysta i studio. Znajdziesz tu również wyrafinowane inspiracje i ciekawe treści.

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